In 2008 when Barack Obama, former senator in Illinois was elected President of the United States many applauded this monumental victory of an African American. He is the first-ever African American President.
Now in 2011, a couple of years after the election, Obama is still identified as the first ever African American President of the United States. If race did not truly matter to Americans or if they viewed whites and blacks as equal as why is this huge deal?
All Americans would agree both whites and African Americans that a President should be elected on the basis of skill and ability. The public votes a person in to this prestigious office because they feel that this person is the best one suited to the job.
It would be completely incorrect to vote someone in to the role of President of the United States based on skin color. If a white person were voted in on basis of skin color, it would be racism.
While President Obama campaigned on the chant of change and making Washington better, it is interesting to note that many media sources and critics emphasized his race. If racism and discrimination were truly obsolete in America, the media would not have made such a huge deal of this issue.
Great post. True, the racial issue is almost like an american obssession, the skin colour or ethnicity really matters for the commom American. Obama has, at least, brought the idea or "illusion" that race doesn't matter and that you can succeed through merit.