Australia is a wonderful country with people from different parts of the world. So, Easter is celebrated in a variety of ways.
The main day of celebration of families of Anglo-Irish backgrounds is Easter Sunday. Some people go to church services and have hot cross buns for breakfast. These are a sweet fruit bun, which may have a cross on top. Children exchange Easter eggs, which are usually made of chocolate. Some are now made from sugar and have little toys inside. The chocolate eggs are available in an egg shape, from tiny little ones to giant ones. Some chocolate eggs are also in the shape of cheeky looking rabbits.
In recent years Easter bilbies have also been made. The bilby is a native animal in Australia. It is an endangered species. Chocolate manufacturers decided to make Easter bilbies and give some of their profits to help protect these animals from extinction. Children don't worry about the shape. They just love the chocolate!
Many families arrange for an Easter hunt in their homes or gardens to see who can find the most eggs on Easter Sunday morning. They then share a meal with their relatives. Traditionally this has consisted of roast lamb, beef or chicken with roasted vegetables like potatoes, carrots, pumpkin
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
"A cultura não se herda, conquista-se." (André Malraux)
We woke up for another normal day, but we stumbled in to the mistery of our lives! We were terrified with what we saw... OH MY GOOD...we were in the Future! Everything around us was really strange and different. The people seemed all the same with strange clothes made with metals. In the sky instead of planes were the cars without wheels and ash, all automatic, so people could drink their coffes and read the newspaper. We walked a little and we faced robots in the streets who taught the children because there was no school. Confused we sat on a bench and three little girls came for the ball that had come to stop at our feet.When we looked at them...surprisingly in our front was a petite Tânia, a petite Joana and a petite Tina. What´s happening?? They were just like us but in a small scale.Children also were petrified and we did not know what to do.We were shuffled to panic and suddenly started running and running and we woke up.It was only a dream but maybe one day the future will be like this!!Nobody knows one day maybe!!!
I followed the evil scientist into a dark room. What I saw, I would never forget...what I thought be a simple room, was in reallity a huge lab, whith laser beam machines and rats in cages. I was terrified, I thought if that was a dream...but it wasn´t! Was a true scary movie. The bunchy Scientist was doing a strange mix with a lot of colored liquids, I didn´t understand what was he doing. I was hidden in a corner, when he started screaming like " UUUAAhhh UUaah Ah Ah!", "I found the formula"! He took out of the cage, one of the rats and gave it to the strange mix to drink. One second after... BOOOM! I was blinded by the light. Confused, I looked around and instead of the normal rat, was a pink and flowery little and sweet rat! He did that with all of the rats and started playing with them. I came out of hiding, he realized that I had attended all and instead of be mad he gave me one of his "little inventions" :D By: Tiina*
I followed the evil scientist into a dark room. What I saw, I would never forget... The atmosphere is charged with several fragrances that I can´t describe. The smell is so intense and fascinating that for moments I felt like I was dreaming, everything is perfect but however that feeling passed quickly and I was increasingly curious to know the cause of that effect. That's when another scientist appeared I began to realize it all. They walked for months looking for a new perfume able to hypnotize all women in the world, getting them on the orders of men, would be great housewives and present mothers, always willing to meet the needs and whims of their husbands. Fortunately they had not found the perfect fragrance, so I still had time to report it to police and save all the women in the world. :D
This is a call to arms, gather soldiers Time to go to war This is a battle song, brothers and sisters Time to go to war
Did you ever believe? Were you ever a dreamer? Ever imagine heart open and free? Did you ever deny? Were you ever a traitor? Ever in love with your bloodless business?
This is a call to arms, gather soldiers Time to go to war This is a battle song, brothers and sisters Time to go to war
Ever want to be free? Do you even remember? Want to be god and devil like me? Ever want to just stop? Do you want to surrender? Or fight for victory?
Here we are at the start, I can feel the beating of our hearts Here we are at the start...
Darkness falls, but here comes the rain To wash away those passed and the names Darkness falls, here comes the rain To end it all, the blood and the game
Far, far away in a land that time can't change Long, long ago in a place of hearts and gold Far, far away in a land that time can't change Long, long ago in a place of hearts and gold
This is a call to arms, gather soldiers Time to go to war (Far, far away...) This is a battle song, brothers and sisters Time to go to war (Long, long ago...) This is a call to arms, gather soldiers Time to go to war (Far, far away...) This is a battle song, brothers and sisters Time to go to war
This is a call to arms, way of the night This is a battle song, way of the night
Every year, every month and every day a lot of games are created, for all ages and tastes. Actually people play more online games than board games because for play board games is necessary people there with us,however for play online games people can be alone and play with persons from others countries. Girls (like us) play games for entretainment, fun and to socialize. For other side boys like more the competition and win the games. Sometimes people are so addicted that they don´t make nothing else except play.